To help someone invent their own celebrations and live out their dreams is the finest gift the human heart can bestow.
AllegraTaylor Acquainted with the Night.
Joining in love is the natural activity of the soul, and when two souls unite in this shared love, and a blessed child is born, the desire to celebrate this magical event is universal.
Susie has a particular interest in the birth of a baby, when two become three, and when naming the fruit of a couple's love, can be achieved again, in a sacred ritual, and the reuniting of both families. These can be really moving occasions of joy and delight, and many people who feel they do not have a particular religion they wish to commit their child to, nevertheless feel the overwhelming need to honour their love for that baby in a beautiful ceremony.With her passion and empathy for children, and her desire to honour this huge transition in a couple's life, she offers unique and beautifully crafted ceremonies.
Renewal of Vows
Relationships mirror the contents of our unconscious mind back for our acceptance and forgiveness.
Susie is aware of the challenges that exist for modern couples who marry. She has worked over many years to support families and children, and she is passionate about the powerful effect of forgiveness and healing. She believes that it is possible to overcome difficulties in a relationship when both parties are willing to engage in the process, and one way of being witnessed in this process is to renew one's vows in front of friends and family. She offers spiritual counselling as a preparation for the renewal of vows and a bespoke ceremony, crafted with and by the couple themselves.
Ending Ceremonies
When relationships breakdown and couples separate, children are affected. Susie has a deep commitment to lessening the pain incurred through divorce and enabling families to create their own rituals and 'endings' and 'letting go'. She believes that in so doing, children are more able to deal with the ensuing discomfort of their parents separation.
The ending of a relationship has the same quality as a bereavement and both parties need to honour the love they shared, whilst acknowledging the pain they feel at the loss of their relationship.